Technical Analysis of Green Taxes - ROZO

Technical Analysis of Green Taxes

Are you receiving a reduction on your energy tax?

Companies that pursue industrial activity and comply with certain criteria are entitled to a lower tax rate on their final electricity consumption (TICFE) and their natural gas purchases (TICGN).

Thanks to its experience in the energy sector and providing consulting services to business, Rozo can also conduct a technical analysis to see if your company can take advantage of reduced energy tax rates or a tax exemption.

Rozo guides you through the process of obtaining a lower tax rate and/or tax exemption and filing requests for reimbursement.

The tax savings could provide enough money for measures that will improve your energy efficiency.

The ROZO's

  • Wide-ranging experience that includes complex projects, often for companies with multiple sites, to help prepare the documentation for tax reductions and exemptions;
  • A wide-ranging network of capable energy and service providers at our disposal;
  • 100% of applications approved by the government;
  • A comprehensive perspective for promoting energy efficiency initiatives.

Write to us for a quote

Or call +33 (0)1 42 49 76 76
(not overcharged number)

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