ROZO, Energy Efficiency Consulting Company
Number of employees: 3
Services: Green tax, White Certificates, GHG assessments, industry audits
Number of employees: 20
New services: Energy procurement consulting, training
Branch offices open in Nantes, Lyon and Marseille
Number of employees: 36
New services: Programmes for combatting fuel poverty
A branch office opens in Barcelona
Number of employees : 40
New services: Renewable energy
Dynamic, flexible and strong, we take pride in exemplifying our values and commitments. Energy efficiency and the energy transition are more than just a job – they are challenges that we tackle on a daily basis. That is why we assist our clients in transforming their perspective by incorporating energy efficiency practices into their organisations.
Rozo’s expertise is rooted in a dynamic, committed team of employees who provide long-term support for all of your energy development projects.
Our team is on hand to help you on a daily basis, with employees drawn from a wide array of backgrounds:
In addition, our core values include attentiveness and proximity to our clients, backed by our presence across France (in Paris, Lyon, Nantes and Marseille) and internationally (Barcelona, Spain).